Sunday, June 01, 2003

Robert Fisk on American media (v.good)
'...almost a thousand letters a week I am getting almost 50% from America. Now that is an indictment of the American media for start. I should be getting 20% from America and 80% from the United kingdom, But in fact more than half is coming from America, and many of them complain about what they refer to as one did of the lobotomized coverage in the American Press. Now what is the effect of this? I think that more and more Americans are saying, "hold on, why can't we read this in our newspapers why can't we watch this on our television" Yet again and again, even despite the fact, I don't think the American media realize the extent to which ordinary American citizens are looking at foreign publications [on the internet], in itself an appalling reflection on the worth or lack of it in the American Media.'

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