Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Israel's 'Berlin Wall/Apartheid Wall' Threatens to Imprison the West Bank
'The real reason for the wall is to take as much Palestinian land and water resources and annex as many of the settlements as possible. Current estimates say it will take as much as 10% of the West Bank, including its most fertile land, and the whole of the western mountain aquifer, situated under the green line, which supplies the West Bank Palestinians with over 50% of their water,' says Jamal Juma of the Palestinian Environmental NGO Network and a key campaigner against the wall. 'Once the wall is up it will cripple Palestinian agriculture and economic activity, and turn the West Bank into a series of disconnected, dependent entities or Bantustans. It will make life unlivable and cause the Palestinians to leave which is what Israel, currently clamoring for transfer or ethnic cleansing, wants.'

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