Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Is Florida Facing a New Polling Fiasco?: "On the floor of the Democratic convention, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Florida Senator Bob Graham if the state had solved the problem of hanging chads and punch-card ballots, which had caused such havoc in the last presidential election.

"Graham noted that those problems had been solved, but pointed to another problem: about half of Florida voters will use electronic voting machines in November, even though '(We) do not have any verifiable backup in case one of those machines malfunctions or there's a challenge to the accuracy of the machines.'

"Blitzer seemed shocked by this. 'Well, how is that possible in this day and age you don't have a backup?' Graham's answer was stunning: 'Because I'll say (Florida) Governor (Jeb) Bush and his administration have stonewalled the efforts to get a paper trail behind these electronic machines.'"

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