Sunday, August 08, 2004

Deceptions over Iraq strongly condemned: "A statement from more than 40 ex-military and diplomatic officers will condemn Australia's commitment to the Iraq invasion as based on deception, and call for Australia to stop rubber-stamping American policies."

"[The statement] is expected to strongly condemn the misleading of the Australian people over the reasons for invading Iraq, and carry the message that if what the Australian Government says cannot be trusted by its own citizens, Australia cannot expect its word to be trusted internationally.

"The signatories argue that the alliance relationship between Australia and the United States, and the ANZUS treaty, are important but do not require Australia to consistently echo policies decided in Washington by the US administration. They believe the invasion and occupation of Iraq have led to an obvious increase in terrorism rather than the predicted decrease. The outcome has been to raise Australia's profile as a terrorist target considerably."

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