Thursday, March 06, 2003

Greens Senator Bob Brown: East Timor robbed over gas deal
'It is an outrage. This is robbing poor, little East Timor of the one resource it's got to develop by the rich, by its rich neighbour, Australia, and the oil companies who are involved. It is a totally unfair treaty. It robs the East Timorese of their resource, which is wholly within their territorial waters if you take a modern interpretation of where the sea boundaries are, and this legislation puts into law cheating of the East Timorese people. It's a shameful day for the Australian Parliament if this legislation goes through and robs that country of this resource. It's just, I just feel outraged to be part of a parliament that's robbing the poorest country in our neighbourhood to featherbed the oil companies who have obviously got such an ear on, such an ear from the Government in this country.'

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