Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Iran's 6 point atomic plan ignored, suppressed: I still find it somewhat unlikely that the US would actually attack Iran, but the threat is certainly there. With the experience of Iraq fresh in everybody's mind, how can Europe, Russia and China appease the US going into such a war? The hypocrisy and double standards of the West and the US particularly is on a monumental scale as this article points out, and if people do not call the emperor on having no clothes, a heavy price may have to be paid.

Yet, incredibly, no one in the European or US media even examined the nature and content of the six-point Iranian proposal, confining themselves to the official pronouncements of the EU-3 diplomats who are more keen on satisfying the US's march toward the Security Council than in breaking the nuclear stalemate on their own.

These diplomats, so adept at "leaking" their own highly-publicized proposal to Iran last summer, kept a tight lid on Iran's proposal and, what is more, there is no evidence that any respected member of the Western media made any attempt to get their hands on Iran's proposal....

Clearly, listening to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's anti-Iran stance, Europe's main priority is US appeasement, and not Iran. Merkel's Iran-bashing could have dire consequences for Berlin's Iran and Middle East policy, in light of Germany's status as Iran's No 1 European trading partner.

Merkel, a novice in foreign policy making, has set aside the nuanced approach of her predecessor Gerhard Schroeder by facilitating the United States' war-prone approach to Iran. Merkel's government appears to be doing for the US on Iran the kind of subservient role London played on Iraq. This is a sure recipe for disaster....

Russia appears to have its Iran card poorly planned, and if not too careful it may soon find itself on the side of US-favored sanctions. Consequently, the whole spectrum of Russia's geostrategy will suffer indefinitely. The same pitch to China forms a carefully scripted sequence of "graduated response" by the US and, for now at least, that pitch seems to be working rather superbly.

In another good article, Afrasiabi, noting that the European response to the Iraq war was "feebly standing up to Washington's warmongering", points out the obvious, that the US is intent on global military hegemony especially through control of oil, and the other power centres, Europe, Russia, China and the non-aligned movement, all seem fundamentally hesitant in committing themselves to opposition to this. It is a recipe for disaster. The way to stop an Iran war, as with the Iraq war, is to openly condemn it, and to do everything possible to block it. Indecisiveness is unsatisfactory, and appeasers of the Blair (or Merkel?) kind are simply contemptible.

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