Thursday, December 26, 2002

A Vote For Mitzna Is A Vote For Sharon
"Just over a month ago, Mitzna appeared to offer a new hope to Israeli politics. He was even perceived by some as the potential Israeli de Gaulle. Throughout the years of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the Israeli political system has managed to generate only two alternatives: eternal negotiations while preserving the occupation and expanding settlements - the Oslo model of the Labor party, or slow elimination of the Palestinian people - Sharon?s model. The hope that many (including myself (1)) attached to Mitzna was that a third alternative is possible as well, following the model of the end of the Israeli occupation of Lebanon - an immediate withdrawal from the territories that most Israelis are willing to evacuate (all of Gaza and about 90% of the West Bank), and the opening of serious negotiations over the rest. But by now, it is obvious that a vote for Mitzna is a vote for Sharon. Sharon and Ben-Eliezer are already planning the next unity government."

Comment: This is another illustration of the characteristic failure of democracy in the modern world. A politician's great fear is that of being in the minority, but it is only by starting from the minority that real leadership can ever be shown.

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